We would like to congratulate our partners at LifeWatch ERIC for presenting on the Marine SABRES project at their information stand, at this years European Researchers Night 2024, in Lecce, by organising the initiative “MarineSABRES in fairs: biodiversity conservation and restoration, sustainable blue economy and the benefits of ecotourism”.
During the event, LifeWatch ERIC presented some of the results and activities carried out in the framework of the project, with a special focus on this simple socio-ecological system framework designed and developed with the active support and participation of local stakeholders in three European marine regions, where researchers are developing and testing ways to balance varying combinations of conservation priorities and economic activities. Their information stand promoted best practices and examples, fostered by the project’s approach, of sustainable use of marine resources and tourism, raising awareness on the importance of governance solutions to address the impacts of future economic and climate scenarios.
Download the event posters here!
You can watch watch LifeWatch ERIC's documentary videos through their WebTV platform and through their YouTube channel!